Genetics referrals
Specialist Rooms, GP’s and WACHS
All Specialist Rooms, GP’s and WACHS referrers are being advised to direct all referrals for genetic outpatient services to the Central Referral Service (CRS) (external site).
Familial Cancer Program referrals
Complete a Familial Cancer Program referral form (PDF) and fax it with any relevant investigations to the CRS on 1300 365 056.
General Genetics, Obstetric or Paediatric referrals
Please direct all referrals to the Central Referral Service (CRS) (external site).
Referrals using GP software that include all the relevant history and information are also welcome using CRS referral form templates (external site).
If your referral is regarding a pregnancy, clearly indicate this on the CRS referral form for expedited triage. GSWA will generally see a pregnant patient within one week of receiving the referral from CRS.
Referrals from other WA Health Services (Metro)
A referral letter or consult request should be sent to GSWA specifying the reason for referral and referring doctor’s name and address.
Include the following patient information:
- Full name (including maiden name if relevant)
- Current address and contact details
- Date of birth
- Relevant personal or family history
- Other relevant medical information
- Copies of relevant test results.
If you are considering a referral, please read the referral guidelines for clinicians (external site).
Please ensure the client is informed of the referral to GSWA. Once the referral has been received, a genetic counsellor will contact the client by letter or telephone.
Consent to release medical information
GSWA consent forms can be filled out prior to the client’s appointment:
Genetic Paediatric Service (Word)
Familial Cancer Program (Word)