Thank you for 30 years of education at KEMH

After 30 years, Midwife Educator Janice Butt is saying goodbye to all the incredible people she has worked besides in her time at the Women and Newborn Health Service (WNHS).
Janice, HOD for Department of Nursing & Midwifery Education & Research (DNAMER) and Coordinator Midwifery & Nursing Staff Development, said that she has thoroughly enjoyed her career as a Midwife, predominantly in education at with King Eddie's Memorial Hospital (KEMH) and Curtin University.
“It has been a privilege to work alongside so many amazing people during my 30 years at KEMH, after emigrating from the UK in 1992. I can hardly believe that so much time has passed so quickly and that I have been involved in so many changes in the health service, during that time.
“Working in a health service that truly values education and research, recognising the significant contribution made to the clinical and psychological outcomes for women and families has just been the best.
“The collaboration between disciplines and respect for midwifery as a distinct profession. I have received a considerable amount of personal as well as professional support from my line manager and other staff across the organisation, that I will always be tremendously grateful for. My own daughter gave birth to her daughter in water at KEMH in 2021 with an amazing continuity of care midwife – the absolute highlight of my involvement with the health service!”
Janice is looking forward to her new ‘unpaid’ role as “… Nana to my beautiful one year old granddaughter.”
We wish Janice well and thank her for her many years of service to WNHS.