Celebrating our dedicated staff!

Leanda was nominated in acknowledgment of her inspiration career at Women and Newborn Health Service.
As State Coordinator of the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Program for the past 15 years, Leanda’s efforts have built capacity of the sector and enabled organisations throughout WA to better support and care for vulnerable women and their families.
Leanda has been integral to shaping perinatal and infant mental health in WA, ensuring the longevity and sustainability of the program.
We are also wanting to wish Leanda all the best on her upcoming retirement. Leanda has played an integral role at King Edward Memorial Hospital and she will be missed.
A special thanks to our generous sponsors Paywise (external site), SmartSalary (external site), P&N Bank (external site) and Hesta (external site).
Leanda – thank you for your outstanding contribution to WNHS, and for always demonstrating our North Metropolitan Health Service values.